Teach at Envato Tuts+
Become an Envato Tuts+ Instructor.
Teach a course or create a tutorial.
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Laura Keung is a graphic designer based in Munich, Germany, with a strong interest in publication design and brand identity.

Marie Gardiner is a professional photographer specialising in wedding and commercial photography. She also has a passion for macro and landscape photography.

Abbey Esparza is a mixed media artist whose composites are all based on photographs that undergo an intense treatment to transform them into the surreal, unusual, and macabre!

Jonathan Lam is a digital artist on a mission to empower, educate, and inspire students to gain the creative skills they desire!

Adi Purdila is a Romania-based web designer, animal lover, and avid tea drinker. He has made over 100 courses on Tuts+, and loves learning and sharing knowledge.

Barni Rajah is a digital marketer and SEO content writer. She enjoys helping businesses create a soulful connection with their audience through their digital platforms.
Work With Us at Envato Tuts+
We help students learn creative and technical skills through self-paced courses and tutorials. Whether you’re knowledgeable in code, design, illustration, photography, web design, or another subject, get paid a competitive rate to share your ideas and experience.
Our editorial team will work with you every step of the way, from the spark of an idea through to publication.

Teach a Course
- Create 30+ minutes of video based teaching
- Present with screencasts, slides, and optional on-camera video
- Organize your course into chapters and bite size lessons
- Teach skills comprehensively from start to finish
- Engage with our member community of self-directed students

Create a Tutorial
- Create a how to tutorial in written or screencast format
- Help individuals achieve a useful outcome in a single sitting
- Inspire people to improve their creative and technical skills
- Reach our audience of over five million monthly visitors
Envato Tuts+ Culture
We have a fun, flexible, and supportive work culture at Envato Tuts+. Our eclectic team is made up of tech-savvy, freelance creatives who share a love for teaching and live in dozens of locations all around the world, from New York to New Delhi.
We care deeply about diversity, and welcome applicants of all types, and from all backgrounds. If you’re eager to share, you’ll fit right in!

Envato Tuts+ Instructor Testimonials
Writing for Envato Tuts+ allows you to be as creative as you like, while engaging with a wide community that shares your passions and interests. There is nothing as satisfying as seeing you have helped a student develop their design skills. I'd recommend teaching at Envato Tuts+ to anybody who wants to expand their creativity and develop their writing skills, while working alongside other incredible designers and artists.
Grace Fussell
Brand Consultant
Teaching at Envato Tuts+ has been a fantastic experience. It's allowed me to take my knowledge, experience, and skills and share them with others. I have been contacted by people from all over the world who have learned from, and enjoyed, watching my courses and tutorials. That is a great feeling!
David Bode
Contributing to Envato Tuts+ has let me focus on developing my skills, for myself and others, while getting paid for what I love to do. It's great to work with an awesome team of creative people, and to be given a chance to inspire others. Every time I read comments under my tutorials and articles it makes my day!
Monika Zagrobelna
Envato Tuts+ has been an amazing channel to share my knowledge with thousands of students from around the world! Being able to make a difference through education has been extremely rewarding. It’s been a great experience working alongside such a talented team and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to be part of a positive, creative community.
Jonathan Lam
Digital Artist
Teaching at Envato Tuts+ has been and still is an amazing experience for me. Not only has it allowed me to connect with other people, but I’ve also learned a lot during my almost ten years behind the camera. I recommend teaching at Envato Tuts+ to anyone who wants to express themselves creatively and share their knowledge at the same time. You’ll be in good company.
Adi Purdila
Web Designer
I have been lucky to work with helpful and experienced editors. Their support, tips and tricks helped get me on the right track in no time. The Envato Tuts+ team is a joy to work with, and they always make me feel very appreciated. It's been a fantastic experience!
Barni Rajah
Digital Marketer
Teaching at Envato Tuts+ gave me the opportunity to step into a life-long dream. It’s satisfying to see that the knowledge I have is helping someone else in their own development. The audience is vast and Envato has allowed me to exercise my creativity. Teaching at Tuts+ has shown me what it’s like to work alongside creative but most of all empathetic and driven individuals.
Laura Keung
Brand Designer