Jemima Abu

Front End Developer
I'm a self-taught front end developer and school-taught systems engineer from Lagos, Nigeria.
I write the kind of articles I'd like to read when trying to learn a new technology or implement a feature.
How to Build a JavaScript Countdown Timer
How To Scrape Data From a Webpage Using Vanilla JavaScript
How to Create a Sortable HTML Table with JavaScript
How to Implement a “Load More” Button With Vanilla JavaScript
How to Implement Infinite Scrolling With JavaScript
How to Implement Pagination with Vanilla JavaScript
How To Build a Simple Carousel With Vanilla JavaScript (14 Lines of Code!)
4 Quick Steps to Make a Website Responsive
How to Recreate Material Design Floating Labels
How to Generate Random Background Colors With JavaScript
Switch Between Color Schemes with CSS Variables and JavaScript
How to Implement Debounce and Throttle with JavaScript